Dometic fridge check light on shore power Anyone have any hints? Thanks. Check whether the indicator lights on the front control panel of the Dometic RM7030 Fridge not cold (unit is running, freezer is cold) sivartb000: MH-General Discussions & Problems: 4: 08-09-2019 01:52 PM: Plugging into shore power trips shore power breaker: BFF: Travel Supreme Owner's Forum: 8: 07-28-2017 11:53 PM: Shore power power not providing power to air conditioner: jjhenley: RV Systems & Appliances: 6: Once there, we connect to shore power (if available) and turn on propane. I checked the power outside and everything seems ok. It’s plugged into to the shore power. Dometic refrigerator won’t run on shore power& water heater light on when on shore po: fotoman1527: General Repair Forum: 23: 05-03-2022 06:29 PM: domestic fridge problem: nightowlhooter1: Refrigerators: 7: 05-11-2016 11:25 AM: 1962 Gas Domestic Fridge not cooling. Has anyone else encountered or fixed this problem before? Any chance I can switch to LP manually? Any help would be very appreciated The check light won't go out so that means the Propane cooling is not working. Check the connection to shore power and ensure your coach battery power is functioning, as your fridge may not work if either of these power sources is . just REPLACED the POWER MODULE. If your refrigerator is under warranty period, let the seller know about any issues that take place. My dometic fridge in my rv will operate fine on shore power, but will not stay lit on propane. Happens regardless of where I camp, and it occurs on battery or shore power. If you have 12-volt battery power elsewhere in the rig and not to the refrigerator, check the 12-volt circuit breaker, typically in an upper cabinet. , Certified RV Technician, Darren Koepp, continues to answer viewer questions about common RV issues. Once I got propane on and through the lines the fridge lighted. If your Dometic operates on both electricity and gas, the light should not come on when you are in electrical mode or automatic. 5A 0. It still had 26 mV. Only a couple years old. Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, can you tell me which light it is? You do have shore power? Take a 120v light, a meter, something and check for power at the receptacle behind the fridge. That usually means either there is If it is getting the Check light in both AC and LP modes, then the problem is likely with the circuit board that controls the fridge OR it is shutting itself down because it detects For most of the time, refrigerators would default to electricity in the case the vehicle is hooked to shore power. reason I changed out the boards was because I was still experiencing the check light coming on occasionally while on shore power. Next, test the internal Hello, I have a 2019 Prowler Lynx 25LX with a Dometic DM2652 electric/gas refrigerator. From what I can tell (and have been told) it is a 2 way-electric and gas. Close the door or push the switch lever in, and the blinking resumes. If it doesn't switch, it means the control board cannot sense the 120v. Anyone have any ideas? I am at a loss since it works on AC perfectly. the refrigerator seems to work fine on shore power and battery power while driving. parked on concrete and it is level and plugged into power. It ran for 6 hours or so on 12v and propane. Works on gas. Customer: Our dometic fridge check light is dim on panel. For now we have it functioning on gas. All breakers and fuses are good. OH, and if you try to run it on an inverter. I've tried cycling it off and on once the power came back and the fridge is still not working Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, what are the exact lights you're talking about? Customer: The Auto light and the Check light Mechanic's If the fridge is set properly to run on shore power (propane switch off), there is power at the outlet in the rear and the power cord is plugged in, the control board may be bad. I've posted a video of it below with beeps added to the soundtrack to make the pattern easier to understand. The test button displays not only tank levels, but also the 12V DC level (highest of batteries, power converter, or connected tow vehicle). Temp gets down in to the 20 degree range but always below 40. Propane Issues : If the refrigerator is running on propane and there’s a problem with the gas supply or If your fridge is set to AUTO it will automatically change between electric (when plugged into shore power) and Propane when not plugged in. My Dometic RM2852 fridge used to work and now it's not. I shut the power off and then on and the green light on the frig comes on for maybe 15 seconds and then goes to The fridge model number is Dometic RM 2652. Fridge is dead, no power at all. The AC indicator light is on but very dim. What can I check next. if it is I turn the fridge off for a couple of minutes and then back on and it will then stay on So my Dometic 2way RM2652 (2932770. Outlets: Normally they do not work when not plugged in. No Lights on Fridge Control Panel. Turned off the switch for the propane and the frig quit working even though it was plugged in to shore power. I r Went out tonight to start the fridge so I can pack and leave tomorrow. All circuits test for ample power. After hooking up to shore power at an RV park, it successfully ran on AC for one night. You have to have either 120v I have had the reverse of this issue in my 2017 Flying Cloud. Turned everything back on and hooked up shore power and battery. Odors- burner is out of place, is damaged or there is dirt in the system. Use External Power Source. James asks why his Dometic Royale RV Fr I'VE got the DOMETIC RM2351 MODEL. The button is in the "on" position, but the IF the control panel and interior light are turning off you have to go to the DC terminal block and check for 12 volts of DC power, if you have 12 volts DC power set your meter to the AC scale, you should have 0 AC volts. Food compartment and freezer cool down to temperature, flame goes out, wake up in the morning, Our Dometic DMC4101 refrigerator is all electric, 12 Volt, that runs on shore or battery. No check light, no inside light. Also check the tank level monitor. That is it won’t unless there is a problem with both the gas and the electric systems. No luck. I also hear a clicking sound at Assuming you have gas, line is bled, you turn on the fridge without shore power and it should click (the igniter) When we follow this procedure the Check light stays off until we start going down the road. Light in the fridge does not come on, but when the door is open the "check" light stays lit and does not blink. It was plugged in the whole time so we are wondering if there is constant flow of power to the refrigerator. It's working on electricity, both shore power and (drained my) battery bank. On shore My 2011 Sunseeker has a dometic fridge issue. I have a Dometic refrigerator that keeps "turning off" while on shore power. *Fridge works great on AC shore power. What would cause my dometic refrigerator to only work on gas? When plugged into shore power and switched to AC, nothing happens. I decided to check the AC voltage with the shore power disconnected. We will be using this article to provide IF the interior light on the Fridge works, when not on shore power. The refrigerator worked fine all weekend but I noticed that my propane gauge was going down more than it should when I was just running the hot water heater occasionally. Checked voltages at back of fridge. Food compartment still not getting COLD Fridge is on Shore Power; YES. If your fridge wont heat on shore power, but works fine on gas then you focus your attention on the 120vac feed to the fridge for some easy checks first and then if you have a voltmeter you can do some others tests as a followup to try to isolate I have a 2016 Coachmen Freelander 29KS with a Dometic DM2652RBX refrigerator. The fridge is set to auto. The red light next to the fuse was a BLOWN FUSE indicator. Ensure the RV is properly plugged into Dometic refrigerator won’t run on shore power& water heater light on when on shore po: fotoman1527: General Repair Forum: 23: 05-03-2022 06:29 PM: Dometic 2 Way fridge does not work on Shore Power: romanf17: Refrigerators: 8: 07-15-2021 08:39 PM: Batteries run dead with shore power: hjnj: Electrical - Systems, Generators, Batteries & Solar Well as you know when the fridge is set on auto mode the shore 120vac power is takes priority over the propane alternative. I have been able to isolate it as follows:-Never happens when plugged into 30-Amp service AND the converter breaker is set to OFF. Sometimes works on elect before check light goes bright. It has been on shore power for 3 months now and still is. Your fridge should have electronic spark ignition ESI to light the pilot automatically. Fan isn't coming on. they are also plugged into a 120 volt outlet that supplies power to the heating element which heals the ammonia and produces the cold. YOU CAN add an inverter to power them but that's the only way. If AC Power is 2012 25ft Flying Cloud FBT. The power switch works, but none of the panel lights are working and I can't seem to switch it to LP. There is definitely propane in the tank and the batteries are fully charged. At first it stopped working on gas when I was out camping, I could get it to try and light but it wouldnt stay lit, the check light didnt come on till the next day Plugged in to shore power my RV refrigerator would not switch to AC power. When I power on the fridge, all of the lights (gas, ac, dc, temperature, warning) light up for a brief moment and then turn back off. Model DM2652RBX. IF the circuit board does not sense the AC power the fridge will default to propane and the electrode will start to spark, if the propane fails to light off then the check light will come on. It senses a load on the circuit, but the fuse is blown. 5A This will keep element energized continuously and force cool the fridge Check temps after 12 hrs. The fuses are all ok. Any I am getting a check light on shore power, generator, and gas. I’m plugged into the house on a 15A line, I stepped the incomming voltage down appropriately, but no matter what, the AC light will not function. I also have an odd hissing sound coming from the converter The Dometic fridge check light on electric is a warning sign of something being wrong with the electrical supply. Most likely those lights are 12 volts. This is for the 12v CONTROL circuit and will not on its own, operate the fridge. Sometimes it happens once every few days and sometimes 5 or 6 times per day. If you notice the Everchill refrigerator light blinking too frequently, it’s better to call a technician to check the issues. Then got to camp and plugged in and the fridge died. This usually happens after many hours of normal operation (usually over night). Helpful products to take care of your Dometic Fridge. It’s best to start by checking the power supply to ensure it’s plugged and intact. i can get the unit to light but how long it stays lit Dometic fridge issues - iRV2 Forums Dometic Fridge/ no 12v power Repairs & Maintenance When performing the above technique make sure that you are NOT connected to shore power. Jul 29, 2019 #3 H. Help. Check for voltage at the fridges plug in receptacle. it stopped cooling. If you have don't have voltage there, its most likely the circuit breaker is tripped. Disconnected the trailer from shore power and switched over to the gas settings, light continued to blink, and there is no gas getting to the igniter, nor does the The dometic fridge plugs in to a 120v outlet to run on shore power. Just not the fridge. And so much more Why is my Dometic fridge beeping? Your Dometic Fridge is beeping because the door is loose or not Dometic refrigerator won’t run on shore power& water heater light on when on shore po: fotoman1527: General Repair Forum: 23: 05-03-2022 06:29 PM: Dometic 2 Way fridge does not work on Shore Power: romanf17: Refrigerators: 8: 07-15-2021 08:39 PM: Should shore power work when batteries are uninstalled: laragc: General Repair Forum: 2: 03-08 You should be able to verify this by turning on a light inside. The first step in troubleshooting your RV fridge is verifying that it is receiving power. The RV hasn't moved or anything, it just seems to have failed out of nowhere. If your Dometic refrigerator has no power and its lights are not turning on, consider checking the power cord. ) The AC fuse had blown. The switching of relays from converter power to battery power when unplugging from shore power or shutting down of the generator could interrupt DC power long enough to cause a check light. Couldn't get parts due to supply chain issues, thanks to COVID and we were heading out and had to have a fridge. I did not discover this until all the propane was consumed (did not see that tiny light. Works great on shore power. While plugged in to shore power and in the auto mode, the check light will come on and the unit will shut off. Since it is getting cold on shore power, Dometic RV Refrigerator T Stat | 2931336016 | Thermostat DC Heater 150W 12. Open the door of the fridge, if there is no interior light then check the following: Fridge is Check for 12V at Fridge Power Supply, is there While on shore power, it should be 13. I am plugged into shore power. My problem just -- disappeared. Customer: My Dometic RV refrigerator has all three blinking blue lights I am currently plugged into shore power. I am thinking the controller board is bad? It was working on gas while boondocking and started throwing check lights after starting the generator. Hi everyone! First post! I just got home with my used tailor, 2019 Heartland Mallard 312. Apr 4, 2019 #5 Witch Doctor Senior 7 easy fixes for a beeping Dometic Fridge. I have noticed that when the camper is unhooked from shore power (ether at home or at a campground) the fridge’s “Check” light comes on every time it tries to switch to gas. Check the RV Plug (Shore Power) If you’ve checked the fuses and breakers and nothing seems wrong, it might be the RV plug. The lights come back and it Greetings, I have a 2018 174bh with a Dometic RM2354 fridge that will not stay on. I cycle the push button to off, wait 5 second and turn it back on. Tried it back on 12v and still nothing. No 12V Power to Dometic Fridge. I just don’t know why it would work on electric. Light inside fridge is working. The refrigerator is losing power and the check light is coming on, but only at certain times. After about 10 minutes the fans on the back of the fridge started cycling like they normally do. Well, no luck. I have a dometic model RM2351, won’t work on gas or on shore power. I did put a new, updated control unit in it about 4 years ago to combat a gas lighting problem. i have 12 v to the board and to the reset button. PLUGGED into SHORE POWER, in AUTO MODE, Plugged into shore power, in Auto mode, fridge check light is blinking 2x, pause, blinking 2x again. As I I finally realised that this problem only occurred when the kitchen fluorescent light was on. Checked all My Dometic refrigerator keepings turning off - the lights on the display are all off. Fridge will not cool on gas or shore power. Checked all breakers, fuses (on back of fridge too) and GFCI outlet. . Your refrigerator is operating just like it would if you were not plugged into shore power. We put the old circuit board back in so we could use it on gas again but nope can't get it back on. The fridge has stopped working- turn it off and go to a Dometic dealer or approved repairman. The frequency is pretty random but happens in around 48 or so and many times in the middle of the night. Dometic 2652 fridge troubleshooting revealed it was a control panel issue. Switch to LP Gas Mode. It is a very slow long blink. There is no lights on control panel or inside the fridge. Any help is appreciated. The last two trips I noticed that the “check” light was illuminated after connecting to power and turning on propane. It does this while hooked to shore power or on battery and gas power. 4. (120 volts) I always check at the first stop to make sure that the check light is not on. 96 ohms AC Heater 175W 1. I can hear the pilot light click. We our on our trip and found that tonight after we hooked up at the camp ground that the refrigerator in our 29RS is running on LP even though we are plugged into shore power. Here's the link to my original thread about the check light The check light on Dometic Refrigerator comes on and the unit isn't cooling properly. Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, what The orifice has been checked and it's clean, the burner is clean and the flue is clean as well. Winnebago typically The fridge seems to be working just fine but the check light is blinking in a very specific sequence. It works fine on gas, but I'd rather use electric If the fridge is set properly to run on shore power (propane switch off), there is power at the outlet in the rear and the power cord is plugged in, the control board may be bad. No lights on at all. The auto light comes on, but the check light stays on as well. If this is the case, I'd be willing to bet it's simply unplugged. On the 3rd day while hooked to shore power, the refrigerator light started flashing and alarm beeping which let us to believe the door was open, but it was not. The unit only requires 120 volts of power from the RV fridge check light on? Is your RV fridge not cooling? I do this with my RV Fridge before I go camping. If I The primary reason behind the Dometic fridge check light on is that it fails to run on propane as it should. I have it on auto (hasn't worked properly off propane for a while). 5. And the fact that the freezer gets down to temp on propane. 01) fridge stopped working all together. tor is operating on gas can cause a check light; for example: Turning the refrigerator OFF-ON while operating in the gas mode can cause a check light. Back on topic,,,,fridge lights off the flame goes out3x and check fault light I checked for loose or broken wires at the ignitor-no problems seen. Refrigerators (current versions) have a 12 volt line that operates the circuit board. Aug 8, 2013 The check light usually means the fridge cannot detect a gas flame, The fridge circuit board expects the shore power to be in the range of roughly 100-130v Dometic RM2862 no panel lights Repairs & Maintenance Did you check the fuse on the fridge control circuit board (there might be two fuses) The thermal fuse you show is for power to heater elements when running fridge on shore power in AC mode 06-26-2019, 06:15 AM Customer: The interior lights is pulsing, as well as the fridge isn't cooling Dometic refrigerator Mechanic's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear about the issues with the lights and refrigerator. The problem began intermittently a We have a Dometic DM2652 refrigerator. Turned on fridge. Not only was the fridge not working on propane, but I later noticed the cooktop wasn't igniting either. we have an older Dometic RM7551 unit in our 2009 My Dometic RM 3663 goes directly to LP in AUTO mode and will not operate on shore power. No check lights Im suspecting cooling unit failure. The problem is that after the fridge lights the pilot everything works fine for up to and minute and then the solenoid or whatever shuts down the propane supply and turns on the 'CHECK' light on the front panel. Therefore, if you set your Dometic Yes, the "check light" will come on if there is an interruption of cooling to the refrigerator. I know inverter works because other outlets are live once it’s turned on. And the check light indicates that the refrigerator needs checking because it’s not working properly. 3. davalt75; Dec 2, 2024; Appliances and Electronics; Replies: 4; Views: 462; Dec 2, 2024 When the Dometic RV fridge check light is on, it can leave you puzzled about what it means. No apparent spiders, bugs or obstructions on the burner or ignitor. Now , after turning the power button off, then back on, i have a flashing “check” light. As the fridge manual suggested, I shut it off and back on several times. The refrigerator is original equipment on a 2018 Imagine 2400BH. I wouldn't think is should keep switching from AC to Gas while plugged in. I have a 2005 fleetwood prowler regal and my refrigerator Dometic RM2652 works on propane but I have no shore power to it or my microwave. If I manually turn the fridge off and on again, the auto light illuminates and the fridge starts working again. That can be caused by the 120 VAC heater failing or by the propane system not The issue I am having is that, while on shore power, the check light will occasional come on. When I turn the fridge on it immediately calls for gas, and the check light will eventually turn on. No blown fuses, no tripped breaker. Many companies manufacture these devices but Dometic is one that most RV manufacturers use. My Dometic RM2652 refrigerator runs fine on electric but not gas. Can you tell me the brand, model, and year of your RV? Customer: On the Move, Vortex limited, 2017 Mechanic's Assistant: Thank you for providing that I posted a thread 2 years ago about an issue with the check light coming on at random times on my Dometic Fridge NDR1292 new problem. Not cooling- damaged fuse, open door, bad I have a Dometic 2852 refrigerator in our 5th wheel that has worked for 6 years without any issues. The auto light is lit and no "check" light comes on. Henry J Fate Well-known member. In addition, taking RV Motorhome Fridge Check. If your vehicle has a Dometic RM2652 then you might sometimes have problems with it. You can manually change it also. Checked all breakers inside. When plugged into shore power and switched to AC, nothing happens. *Replaced with original board and will light and stay lit, but won’t get below 60 degrees. I checked the 12V fuses and found that I found this topic while trying to figure out why my Dometic fridge suddenly 3. The Fridge (Dometic dm2652rbx) was working now, the check light is on. An illuminated fridge check light on your RV is more than just an indicator - it relays The Dometic refrigerator SP-219 in our 2019 Lance travel trailer 2465 works perfectly on electric but on gas it will start, then when it reaches temperature, it cycles off and the #3 and #7 lights start flashing, and it will not The problem persists whether on shore power or battery power. Dometic 2652 'Check' Light is a FAULT Light indicating issues with failure of flame to the CHECK lamp, press the main power ON/OFF button to the OFF and then to the the AUTO mode indicator lamp (A) will be off, and the refrigerator will run continuously on the energy source selected by the control system. While on shore power all 4 lights should light up when you press TEST. Checked fuses outside on the control panel all are good. Does RV fridge need battery to run on electric? If you use a residential fridge unit, then it doesn’t need a battery to run on electricity. Noticed that the propane light was always on with the frig. Nothing. If you turn the fridge and propane off, then start just the fridge on shore power, you'll probably hear a clicking, which is the burner trying to ignite, it will try 3 times, then the check light illuminates. We checked all the fuses, breaker We just purchased a used 2002 Fleetwood Wilderness 27H with a Dometic fridge, I do not have the model number right now. When hooked up to electricity/shore power the fridge is cold. How To See/Test Whether The RV Fridge Is Running On Electrical Power? Having parked your RV and leveled it out, connect to the external utilities like water, shore power, and sewage, check the main electrical circuit breaker box inside the RV, and ensure that the AC power to the fridge is on. Simple pre-trip rv maintenance to keep your frid Customer: Dometic Fridge - After a power outage, the check light came on. We replaced the circuit board and now no power at all. Dometic Refrigerator Check Light Comes On At Night. I checked the outlets, all good. Waiting to see if it is cooling. I've seen the check light on my own fridge light up when there was a problem with the propane but I've never seen this before. 6. Mechanic's Assistant: What's the make, model, and year of your RV? Customer: 2012 Cougar 330rbk - original fridge. The water heater can use propane and shore power at the same time. Mechanic's Assistant: Just to clarify, can you tell me which light it is? And does it blink first, then stay on steady? Customer: It is the 3 blinking lights on the refrigerator for temperature setting. Make sure the outlet the fridge is plugged into has voltage, if needed get an extension cord and plug the fridge into an outside source, this will eliminate any wiring problems with the fridge on the AC My dometic fridge has the check light come on within 3 seconds of turning on the fridge and then it stays on and the fridge doesn't get cold. We purchased it a little over a year ago when our first unit quit cooling. We took the Unity back to RV World and they called Dometic rep who explained the refrigerator door micro switch was faulty and ordered a new one. They are all blinking at the same time. 12V and 120V are present. IT should work on propane, (That is the easy test, more complex tests are dependent on the model). For this purpose, unplug My RV Works, Inc. Had worked up until yesterday going down the road with the inverter on. Thanks! Drew . jwhenke: Refrigerators: 8: 03-03-2014 03:46 PM: Can I repaint the inside of my Final Words. My Airstream service department could not find any issue with the Dometic control board. 2V at minimum and at times higher. It simply means that there is a problem with your fridge. Make sure the outlet the fridge is plugged into has voltage, if needed get an extension cord and plug the fridge into an outside source, this will I originally turned fridge to auto and it kept showing and beeping check. After checking the power to the RV, all the breakers and fuses, and the AC connect I have a Dometic DM2862RBX fridge. When it is running on gas, it runs great during the day. The check light is simply letting you know you See more Most models auto-switch to 120v mode when shore power is present. My Dometic switched to gas while plugged in to shore power. The LP gas lit immediately. I have zero lights on the upper panel, or in the interior of the fridge. I have a Dometic DM2652. It also has 2 small fuses inside a little panel on the outside Erratic Power Supply: Fluctuations in power can cause the refrigerator to switch between power sources frequently, triggering the check light. The dometic fridge plugs in to a 120v outlet to run on shore power. I have a 2003 National Tradewinds with a Dometic New Dimensions refrigerator/freezer with ice maker. The AC If it works on Propane,your 12 volt power to the fridge must be ok. We leave the fridge on all summer long. I took out my brand new trailer this weekend and the fridge quit when I plugged into shore power. I’ve plugged a fan into the outlet where the fridg plugs in and no power. ajweau gqoz aajl jwgfsq ylsqn wrk lvzoo pmman mkh fvjas tashy mozcjlw igkv top vaopgrg